Chapter 4

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After having four kids I need some rest and relaxation.

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Since Ben had the day off he watched the kids while I went to the Spa.

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I took a yoga class.

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Had a mud bath.

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Got a massage.

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Did some meditating.

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And got in a workout.

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When Bianca got home from school Ben helped her with her homework.

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Then she painted.  She is very artistic.

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When I got home from the spa I read her a story.

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And tucked her into bed.

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While Ben did the same for the boys.

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After getting the kids to bed I slipped into a little something special I bought just for Ben.  It is clear he liked it.

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We have to take advantage of any ‘private’ time we can get.

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As her crib is also in the living room it is good that Brianna was asleep and not awake to witness what mommy and daddy were up to.

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Unfortunately when I took a pregnancy test it was negative.  Guess Ben and I will just have to try again.

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Since Ben doesn’t go into work until 2 pm I let him tend to the kids in the morning while I get in a quick jog.  I am determined to loose the weight I seem to gain with each pregnancy.

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Then when I get home I shower, get dressed and join Ben and Bianca for breakfast before she heads off to school.  She has entered a picky eater phase and would only eat cake for breakfast this morning instead of her dad’s pancakes.

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The boys love when daddy makes pancakes for breakfast.  We don’t have highchairs right now so they have to eat in their room on their beds.

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The rest of my days are super busy.  I have to get Brianna feed and changed.

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The boys are usually a sticky mess from the pancake syrup so then they need baths.

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And there are always messes to clean.

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Being so busy it is no surprise that time seemed to pass in the blink of an eye and before I knew it Brianna was having a birthday.  She is the first of our kids to have Ben’s brown hair.  She also has his skin tone.  Her eye color is unique as it is not green like mine or blue like Ben’s.  Instead hers are kinda of a greenish brown.

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We don’t have money for her to have her own room right now so we had to put her toddler bed in with Bianca.

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But that is okay because Bianca loves her little sister.

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First thing Bianca does after finishing her homework is play dolls with Brianna.

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While Brianna was a pretty calm baby she is a terror as a toddler.  You can’t turn your back on her for a second.  She will splash in the toilet.

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Bang her daddy’s good copper pans.

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Take off all her clothes and run around the house and yard.

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Or find anything she can use to make a mess.

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“What did you do?” I ask her but she just giggles and then wants to be picked up.

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The only time she is calm is when we are playing dolls.

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Or when she is babbling at Barker.

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Ben is such a great father and husband.  He works long hours at the restaurant but he still makes time for his family.

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He plays with Brianna and the boys.  Helps Bianca with her homework.

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Cooks and cleans.

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He is also so romantic.  He will just come up to me for no reason and kiss me.

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Finally after several failed attempts we are pregnant again.

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Ben was thrilled when I told him.

[If you say so.]

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Our days of having three toddlers running around are over.  The twins are celebrating their birthday today.  Ben made them this adorable cake shaped like a hamburger.

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Bennett.   I know I am their mom so I am biased but I think they are both such cute kids.

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Since the boys had the day following their birthday off from school I decided to take all the kids to the park.

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Benedict and Bianca played on the spaceship jungle gym.

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Bennett’s childhood aspiration is whiz kid so he challenged the park’s gardener to a game of chess.  Soon a whole crowd had gathered to watch them play.

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I worked on teaching Brianna to talk.

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Bianca met a local boy named Stanley.  They had fun playing together and talking.

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Soon they were best friends.

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I was feeling inspired so I decided to get in a quick painting.

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But I should never have taken my eyes off of Brianna because I looked over and she was running through the playground without her clothes on.

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Before I could get to her she was in the flower garden playing in the dirt.

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My back was starting to bother me anyway so it seemed like a good time to head home.

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Ben was feeling a little down when we got home.  Not only had he missed us and the kids he still hasn’t gotten another promotion.   Hopefully my kiss made him feel better.

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If that didn’t than feeling the baby kick will as I know he loves that.

[Ok he does look a little more excited now.]

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The next day Ben went to work and Bianca and the boys went to school.  It was so strange being home with only one toddler.  Brianna and I spent the morning playing dolls.

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Reading stories and just cuddling.  She seems much calmer without her brothers and sister home.  I think some of her behavior may have been a cry for attention.

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Then after nap time she played on her tablet while I did some painting.

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The kids all brought school projects home and got to work on them right away.

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Benedict built a model of the solar system.

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Bennett built a working volcano.

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And Bianca a lovely castle diorama.

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The next day I was surprised to see Bianca get all dressed up for school.  That is until Stanley came home with her at the end of the day.  She is growing up so fast and I think already starting to notice boys.

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Ben does not look happy about his little girl starting to like boys.

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“Promise me you will stay away from boys and stay my baby girl forever.”

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She can’t make that promise but you will have plenty more babies to take care of.  Starting right now because I am in labor.

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Welcome to the family baby boy Brooks.

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It’s twins — again!  Brooks was followed moments later by baby girl Brooklyn.  We are once again tied up at 3 girls and 3 boys.  Six kids down with 18 to go.

  • Children: 6
    • Girls=3
    • Boys=3
    1. Bianca
    2. Bennett
    3. Benedict
    4. Brianna
    5. Brooks
    6. Brooklyn


Chapter 5