Chapter 23

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Before we get back to what’s happening in our household I wanted to give you a quick update.  Our family has been growing as we recently celebrated four weddings and welcomed 11 new additions to the family.

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After months of planning Ben and Luci were married in a beautiful ceremony.

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Their twins recently turned 1 and were so adorable in the matching suits.

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Trinity and Finn exchanged vows in the middle of a graveyard at midnight.

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Shortly after the wedding the newlyweds welcomed baby boy Dorian into the family.  Chances are good that he is a vampire.

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Steve and Alya welcomed daughter Emma into the family.

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Shortly after Emma’s birth the couple eloped during the Romance Festival.  They didn’t want the paparazzi invading their special day.

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Oliver gave birth to alien daughter Xylia.

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Colton just adores the couples new daughter.

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While the boys are not sure about the new addition Lyra is thrilled to have a little sister.

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Harper was actually onset when she went into labor.

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But she is a professional and managed to still finish filming her scenes.

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She called Elsie and asked her to come to the hospital.   While Harper was in delivery Elsie also went into labor.

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Harper gave birth to a son named Hunter.

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Elsie gave birth to a daughter named Prudence (Pru for short).

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Brooks and Makayla welcomed daughter Priscilla to the family.

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Just days before their grandson Tucker became a father to daughter Hope.

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Shortly after Hope’s birth Tucker and Candy got married in a simple yet lovely ceremony.

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Baylee and Jonathan added son Tobias to the family.  Evan is not so sure about becoming a big brother.

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He hates all of the attention his new little brother is getting and will frequently throw temper-tantrums.

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Baylee and Jonathan have been trying to show him how much they love him while at the same time not encouraging the behavior.

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After a very stressful pregnancy Beverly gave birth to son Tristan.

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Oliver did a DNA test.

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Which thankfully proved that Jean is Tristan’s biological father.

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The news was a huge relief to everyone.

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This time Blaine was there for Lyndsey’s entire pregnancy.

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He gave her back rubs.

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And of course panicked when she went into labor.

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Lyndsey gave birth to a baby boy named Presley.  He holds a very special honor in the family.  He is my 25th grandson and the 100th baby born/adopted into this family (not counting my 24 kids).

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A few days after Presley was born my daughter Blair gave birth to a daughter named Sarah.   Not only is Sarah my 25th granddaughter she holds the honor of being my 50th grandchild.

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Sarah was followed moments late by twin brother Benson.

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In addition to weddings and babies we have also celebrated numerous birthdays as many of my grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren have aged up.

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Back at our house we have also celebrated several birthdays.

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Bridget is now a beautiful teenager who unfortunately had a bad case of the swirls.

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She wants to become an actress and spends most of her time practicing in front of the mirror.

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For Belinda’s birthday we decided to celebrate at the Grilled Cheese Factory.  Belinda and Bartholomew had a blast playing in the ball pit while the older kids played arcade games.

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My granddaughter Ella is the chef at the Grilled Cheese Factory.  She made Belinda a special birthday cake and Ben helped her blow out the candles.

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I may be biased but I think Belinda is a lovely little girl.

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Finally Brodrick is now an active toddler who keeps everyone on their toes.

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The kids are all doing really well in school.  They recently brought home extra credit projects which they worked carefully on for several days.

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Ben helped Brodie with his solar system project.

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While I helped Belinda with her castle diorama.

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I have been working on painting portraits of the kids.  Belinda loves to work at her art table while I paint.  She is very creative and working on the artistic prodigy aspiration.

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Brodrick is a smart little boy who has quickly maxed his communication skill thanks to has friend “Blue Bear”.

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Boyd has been busy authenticating artifacts from Selvadorada.  He has built up a reputation for being an expert in Selvadorada artifacts.  In addition to authenticating his own discoveries museums and collectors from around the world have been sending him artifacts in the mail that need authentication.

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Bridget frequently invites her “drama club” over to the house.  In addition to several family members it also includes her best friend Lillian Marlow.

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And Lillian’s twin brother Christopher.

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Christopher and Bridget currently have the lead in the school play.   They have been practicing the kissing scene.

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Over time real feelings developed between the pair and they are now dating.

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They really do make a cute couple.

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With how busy everyone was it seemed like before we knew it Boyd was celebrating his young adult birthday.

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Immediately after his birthday he traveled to Selvadorada to further explore the jungle.

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While there he proposed to long time girlfriend Lori Keye.

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He decided not to return home.  He is living in Selvadorada with Lori’s family.  He is working at a local museum there on artifact authentication and restoration.

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He has sent us some of beautiful pieces he found.

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Ben was recently promoted to Bouquet Biologist.  He is only one promotion away from completing the gardener career.

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With Boyd out of the house Ben and I celebrated his promotion by trying for another baby.

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Based on how nausous I have been feeling I think it safe to say we were successful.

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I didn’t let a little nausea prevent me from throwing a fun birthday party for Bartholomew.

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Ben made him a fun burger cake.

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He is an adorable little boy and a whiz kid.

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There was an unused room down in the basement so Bridget set it up to practice her acting as well as other types of skill building.

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She spends most of her time down their working on her lines in front of the mirror.

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She has also been trying out singing as well as comedy.  She will often record herself so she can watch it back later.   Once she gets her skills a little higher she hopes to post videos online.

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Brodrick has been having a lot of temper tantrums lately.  Every time I tell him to do something he makes a big fuss.   I have had to be firm with my discipline of that behavior.

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I have been trying to help him increase his thinking skill by playing blocks.

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And doing flash cards.

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Belinda completed the artistic prodigy aspiration.  She has decided to go with Whiz Kid next.

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She has been playing chess with Bart as they both need to play several games to move up in the aspiration.

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I have also been reading them stories every night after dinner.

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Ben reached the top of the gardener career by becoming a Ph.D. of Pollen.

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He decided to retire.   He has been pursuing hobbies like woodworking.

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He built both those shelves and carved the figurines.

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He has also been spending a lot of time with Brodrick skill building.

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I decided to go back to work and became a freelance artist.  I was recently commissioned to paint a portrait of a new politician.

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The kids all continue to work on building skills and earning achievements.   For example Brodie earned two scout badges by playing with his little brother Brodrick.  One for being social and another for making a toddler laugh.

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In fact he has earned all of the scout badges and is now a Llamacorn Scout.

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Bridget has been working on gaining fitness skill.

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As the only teenager in the house she a big help with her younger siblings.

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To bad they don’t go to her when they find monsters under the bed.   We seem to have an outbreak of monsters lately.

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Poor Ben has had to go “spray for monsters” every night this week.

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Belinda just completed her second aspiration.  She has decided to go for rambunctious scamp next.

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After five ours on the violin Brodie completed his third aspiration.

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Just in time for his birthday.

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A lot of his siblings and their spouses came to help him celebrate.

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I think he his a handsome teen.  He is a goofball who has decided he wants to be a comedian.

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He will often work on his comedy while Bridget works on her acting.

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I was working on a portrait of one of the kids when I went into labor.

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I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Brandy.   She makes our 25th child and 12th girl.   Looks like we achieved our goal.


  • Children: 25
    • Girls=12
    • Boys=13
  1. Bianca
  2. Bennett
  3. Benedict
  4. Brianna
  5. Brooks
  6. Brooklyn
  7. Baylee
  8. Bryce
  9. Becca
  10. Bella
  11. Brandon
  12. Britney
  13. Bradley
  14. Brent
  15. Beverly
  16. Blaine
  17. Blake
  18. Blair
  19. Boyd
  20. Bridget
  21. Brodie
  22. Belinda
  23. Bartholomew
  24. Brodrick
  25. Brandy

  • Grandchildren = 51
    • Grandsons = 26
    • Granddaughters = 25
  • Great-Grandchildren = 42
    • Great-Grandsons = 20
    • Great-Granddaughters = 22
  • Great-Great-Grandchildren = 9
    • Great-Great-Grandsons = 3
    • Great-Great-Granddaughters = 6
  1. Hollie (Bianca & Stanley Snider)
  2. Tina (Bianca & Stanley Snider)
  3. Trevor (Bianca & Stanley Snider)
  4. Penelope (Brooks & Makayla Baker)
  5. Skye (Bennet and Charlotte Baker)
  6. Bryon (Stanley’s nephew/Adopted by Bianca and Stanley)
  7. Oliver (Benedict’s son from alien abduction)
  8. Olivia (Benedict’s daughter from alien abduction)
  9. Lily (Brianna’s daughter with the Granite Falls hermit)
  10. Paxton (Brooklyn & Adrian Mattson)
  11. Rose (Brianna’s daughter with the Granite Falls hermit)
  12. Oscar (Benedict’s son from alien abduction)
  13. Peter (Brooks & Makayla Baker)
  14. Nicole (Brianna & Joshua Harris)
  15. Ella (Benedict & Hadley)
  16. Tony (Bennet & Charlotte)
  17. *Isabelle (Tina and David Pratt)
  18. Nathan (Bryce & Erika Baker)
  19. Dana (Benedict & Hadley)
  20. Edmund (Erika’s little brother/adopted by her and Bryce)
  21. Xavier (Bryce & Erika)
  22. Parker (Bryce & Erika)
  23. Harper (Brooklyn & Adrian Mattson)
  24. *Preston (Tina and David Pratt)
    – Have had so many babies recently needed to start the HTTPSBOOLPROPNETINDEXPHP naming over again
  25. *Harrison (Trevor and Kristin Snider)
  26. *Tucker (Peter and Chantel)
  27. *Trinity (Penelope and Branden Potter)
  28. *Phoebe (Lily and Diego Snider)
  29. *Steven (Skye and Cedric Arnett)
  30. *Ben (Rose & Albert Starks)
  31. Owen (Becca & Kengo Tanaka)
  32. Opal (Bella & Myron Mays)
  33. *Lisa (Trevor & Kristin Snider)
  34. *Piper (Olivia)
  35. Roxy (Brandon & Aleshia)
  36. *Ofilia (Bryon & Macie)
  37. *Paige (Nicole & Rachid El Majbouri)
  38. *Natalie (Tony & Destiny)
  39. *Elise (Anika’s biological daughter/adopted by Paxton)
  40. *Timothy (Paxton & Anika)
  41. Ivy (Mary & Brent)
  42. Naomi (Bella & Yousef)
  43. Damien (Beverly & Sebastian)
  44. *Ethan (Lily & Diego)
  45. *Xander (Skye & Cedric)
  46. Phillip (Britney)
  47. Hannah (Britney)
  48. Patrick (Britney)
    – Have had so many babies recently needed to start the HTTPSBOOLPROPNETINDEXPHP naming over again
  49. Hayley (Britney)
  50. Theodore (Britney)
  51. Thomas (Britney)
  52. Peyton (Brent & Mary)
  53. Shawn (Brent & Mary)
  54. Beth (Beverly & Jean)
  55. *Odelia (Penelope and Branden)
  56. *Orion (Oliver & Colton adopted/Oscar birth father)
  57. *Lyra (Oliver & Colton adopted/Oscar birth father)
  58. *Perseus (Oliver & Colton adopted/Oscar birth father)
  59. Riley (Bradley & Michaela)
  60. *Oakley (Nicole & Rachid)
  61. *Paisley (Nicole & Rachid)
  62. Nick (Blake & Ryan adopted parents/Steven & Crystal birth parents)
  63. Erik (Blake & Ryan adopted parents/Steven & Crystal birth parents)
  64. Tabatha (Blair & Harry)
  65. Iris (Blaine & Lyndsey)
  66. *Nolan (Tony & Destiny)
  67. *Dylan (Nathan & Tanvi)
  68. Evan (Baylee & Jonathan)
  69. *Xena (Paxton & Anika)
  70. *Paul (Edmund & Julia)
  71. *Henry (Ella Baker & Roy Gupta)
  72. *Poppy (Melissa – adopted by Trevor)
    – Have had so many babies recently needed to start the HTTPSBOOLPROPNETINDEXPHP naming over again
  73. Heather (Beverly and Jean)
  74. Taylor (Bradley & Michaela)
  75. **Tanya (Preston)
  76. **Pamela (Preston)
  77. *Samuel (Bryon and Macie adopted)
  78. *Bristol (Trevor and Melissa)
  79. *Orville (Trevor and Melissa)
  80. *Otis (Bryon and Macie adopted)
  81. *Lauren (Peter and Clarissa)
  82. *Polina (Peter and Clarissa)
  83. *Rosalee (Peter and Clarissa)
  84. *Octavio (Peter and Clarissa)
  85. **Pearce (Ben and Luci)
  86. **Niel (Ben and Luci)
  87. *Emilia (Peter and Clarissa)
  88. *Tiberius (Peter and Clarissa)
  89. *Isadora (Penelope and Brenden)
  90. **Natasha (Owen and Sharleen)
  91. **Dorian (Trinity and Finn)
  92. **Emma (Steven & Alya)
  93. *Xylia (Oliver – Alien Abduction)
  94. **Pru (Elise)
  95. *Hunter (Harper)
  96. Priscilla (Brooks & Makayla)
    – Have had so many babies recently needed to start the HTTPSBOOLPROPNETINDEXPHP naming over again
  97. **Hope (Tucker & Candy)
  98. Tobias (Baylee & Jonathan)
  99. Tristan (Beverly & Jean)
  100. Presley (Blaine & Lyndsey)
  101. Sarah (Henry & Blair)
  102. Benson (Henry & Blair)

*Indicates a great-grandchild
**Indicates a great-great-grandchild

Chapter 24